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The simplicity of Wildix conquers Proger

Connecting foreign offices of the company is not easy and can be very expensive if you do not find the right system.

Proger, headquartered in San Giovanni Teatino (CH), is an international company founded in 1951 that deals with the realization of large civil and industrial engineering projects. Over the last twenty years, the company has changed several communication systems.

The first communication system was an analog PBX which managed about 40 extensions. But as the company grew–up to 190 employees and three locations in 2007: San Giovanni T., Rome, and Milan– the need to connect the branches with a zero-cost technology, like VoIP, was born.

At the time, the company opted for an NEC system, as the only flexible alternative to other systems installed in companies such as Samsung, Siemens, and Alcatel, with which installation would be much more complex and expensive.

Most of the employees had an analog phone, and the hybrid phone systems (which supported both analog and digital communications) provided an excellent service.

Following the customer’s internationalization process, with branches opening in Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, and Russia, the company began looking for a new, reliable solution. As predicted, connecting to new NEC technologies was very expensive and the configuration was not very flexible for their specific needs.

This is how a project to integrate the NEC phone systems installed in different locations, with a Wildix system was born.

After a complete demo of the Wildix UC, and the great customer enthusiasm, the system was updated to the latest version, and all of the features of the Unified Communications were added through licenses.


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