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Sambonet Paderno Industrie

Sambonet Paderno Industrie

Sambonet is the industry leader of the professional cookware and kitchen utensils and a top supplier to the world class hotels and restaurants. All the activities of the company should be aimed at achieving excellence – thanks to this philosophy, the “Made in Italy” products became a symbol of high quality and Italian style, which is recognized and appreciated all over the world. In a year 2009, Sambonet Paderno Industrie acquires Rosenthal, a prestigious German manufacturer of high quality porcelain. Quality has always been an issue of the highest priority to Sambonet.

Shortly after the acquisition of the German group Rosenthal, the old PBX has demonstrated its complete incapability to support the increasing amounts of phone traffic. The new IP based solutions brought the company communications to a new level. Now all the calls and orders in Italy or from abroad are managed directly from the head office in Orfengo, the province of Novara. According to Franco Coppo, the Managing Director of Sambonet Paderno Industrie, the phone traffic is enormous, due to the fact that the company has tight business connections in Germany, France, China, the USA, and basically all over the world. All the offices and departments of Sambonet and Paderno, in addition to the Rosenthal sales offices, comprise altogether around 150 phone users.

Wildix has offered solutions of high flexibility and compatibility, essential for the painless redevelopment of the companies communications. Sambonet made its way to VoIP by installing a VoIP PBX, VoIP phones and Collaboration–the web interface for Unified Communication.

Wildix phones guarantee excellent audio quality and connection without blackouts and interruptions – the aspects of great importance to the company like Sambonet, operating on the international level. To ensure the security and to avoid the technical problems, Wildix provides its own failover system. With Wildix Unified Communication solution, an employee sees the presence status of his colleagues, choosing the best way to get in touch with them via all the modern ways of the communication available at just one click: SMS, chat, FAX to email, virtual Post-it, etc. Thanks to the presence, the Sambonet personnel collaborate and exchange information without borders,which saves time and energy to every employee. Wildix Collaboration is a simple and intuitive instrument that increases personal efficiency of every worker and contributes to the business growth in general. Unified Communications brings the company to a new level, handling easily internal calls same as the calls from the outside and improving the company’s image in the eyes of its client.

After the movement from the old analog phones to the IP, Franco Coppo underlines the decreasing of the costs of the calls and the boost of the communication quality. In fact a return on investment comes after just a few months due to the usage of the new VoIP PBX, oppositely to the traditional one, and the consequent savings on call costs.

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