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Codma O.P.

Codma O.P.

Elasticity in production, elasticity in communication: this is how the meeting between CODMA OP and Wildix is ​​born.

“We need to reduce the cost of telephone traffic and adopt a videoconferencing system that is easy to use, to reduce the number of administrators’ movements from different locations, we have achieved this by adopting the Wildix system,” said Guido Pucci of CODMA O.P.

CODMA O.P. is a cooperative with production teams in the Marche and other regions, which work to market fruit and vegetables. In these thirty-five years of activity they have grown, and in addition to the Fano (PU) warehouse, they also have two other operating platforms from where they sell products in Italy, Germany and Holland.

Foreign contacts, coordination of offices, and administrators outside of the region affect both phone charges and complicates management and organization.

“When we had to change the telephone system, we decided to focus on technological renewal, but above all, on the simplification of telephone lines and subscriptions, and we entrusted this all to Giacomo Brusciati of Comunica.Meta.

Now we only pay about €25 a month, thanks to Wildix and the ability to change the entire network system to use unified communications tools such as Collaboration, Video Conference and Smartphone Apps.”

The cooperative has its head office within the fruit and vegetable market of Fano (PU) with a turnover of about 16,000,000 Euros, employing 15 stable employees and about 50 seasonal employees, and therefore has great mobility within its market.

Immediate delivery of the product from “farm to the table;” protection of the farmer, consumer and environment; continuous controls and chemical analysis on production; diversification of production and trade with high flexibility in the management of processing and packaging; certifications of product and process. All of this is CODMA O.P., and all of this is done with the aim of guaranteeing customers, the final consumer, the utmost tranquility on the quality, origin, and authenticity of the product, while at the same time give interesting remuneration to the products conferred by members.

Thanks to the multi-year collaboration with Comunica.Meta, a Marche company that started its business as an analogue phone expert, but, following the latest technological changes, now specializes in telecommunications and IP telephony, CODMA O.P. was able to choose the system of telecommunications that best suited their needs, with immediate savings and more effective communications management.

The $120 cost of fixed charges, to which call charges have been added, to $25 of total telephony costs per month, are a clear example of efficient management, obtained through the installation of a Wildix Phone System complete with Unified Communications.

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