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UC&C SUMMIT 2019: Evolving into a Managed Service Provider is the only way to remain competitive

The world of Unified Communications gathered at the World Trade Center Barcelona to take stock of the business of System Integrators and analyze the new market trends faced by IT professionals today. The event, organized and sponsored by Wildix, was attended by over 400 companies from all over Europe, along with the Speakers: Mr Peter Hale, Senior Analyst of MZA Consultants and Mr Jim Roche, Expert in the IT Sales Methodology, ValueSelling ™.

Barcelona, 18 February 2019 – The current crisis faced by System Integrators, prompt response to the Industry changes, timely decisions that save businesses from the market liquidation.

All these subjects were brought up during the first UC&C Summit in Barcelona, an Event aimed at offering winning business strategies and proven success in a hypercompetitive market.


Steve Osler, co-founder and CEO of Wildix stressed one of the main causes that led to the collapse of many System Integrators: the disintermediation of the market produced by the advent of the internet. “The Amazon Effect” – the CEO said – “produced the almost total loss of the man in middle in between supply and demand. This is why it is no longer sustainable to be pure resellers of other people’s products. And who still acts as a simple intermediary, who still fights a price war that does not bring margins and therefore gains “.

Peter Hale, Senior Analyst from MZA Consulting, presented the updated market data, from which emerged the rise of solutions in Hosted / Cloud compared to on-premise solutions.

“In 4 years, 67% of total profits will come from cloud solutions – explained Hale – This is due to multiple factors of change, including the transition of UCs to a model of consumption, rather than ownership. And so Opex instead of Capex, usage-based pricing instead of Life-Time licenses “.

In this scenario – it emerged from the reports – comes into play the expertise and specialization of a System Integrator, no longer a simple retailer and installer but a professional, specialized in solving the business challenges of the customer.

“No one, nowadays, addresses a System integrator company because he wants a new switchboard. What is required, in reality, are tools to increase business productivity,” continued Osler from the plenary hall of the World Trade Center.

“This is why System integrators must evolve into a Managed Service Providers and sell their skills as an integral part of the solution. This is done by proposing the right technologies but together with a business model suitable for the purpose” – said Osler.

New Products

Dimitri Osler with the support of Vasiliy Ganchev, Team Leader of VoIP development, presented the Wildix innovations in the field of hardware and software.

First up is Wizyconf, the first professional and easy-to-use web conference based on the WebRTC and the Chrome OS operating system.

Just Chrome OS differentiates Wizy from other platforms on the market for security, ease and simplicity. In fact, the i7-7700 CPU system is not only hacker-proof but easy and intuitive thanks to the browser interface offered by Chrome OS.

Wizyconf has two cameras, a 4K Ultra HD with Autofocus and a 120-degree angle accompanied by a high-resolution PTZ camera with 12x optical zoom (16x digital).

The microphones are the same specification used in recording studios and guarantee very high sound quality, covering an area of about 60 square meters. They can also be hung from the ceiling to meet the aesthetic needs of executive meeting rooms.

Finally, the support stand, minimal and elegant, designed to hold up to three screens.

Mobile First

The Wildix galaxy revolves around a fundamental concept nowadays: the mobile first. This allows you to put mobile devices at the centre, creating products suitable for the purpose.

For example, the new App Collaboration, a real company chat that allows you to converse, share documents, know the presence status of colleagues. The new elegant and bright design makes it even more pleasant to use on iOS and Android platforms.

Wildix mobile apps for iOS and Android ensure you do not miss a single call or chat and provide online access to corporate directories.

Unlike applications from other vendors who do not work outside the corporate network, Wildix mobile applications can manage business communications using the device of their choice, using public WiFi, 3G and LTE networks.

Not only that: Wildix is the first to have developed an App that lets its Collaboration communicate with Apple Watch! Now notifications, status changes and phone calls can be handled directly from your wrist.

With Wildix you can take your job with you wherever you go. Keep in touch with colleagues and customers anywhere and anytime. The choice is yours.

To download text of the Post UC&C Summit 2019 Press Release and pictures visit Media and Press page

Channel Sales

On the stage, Cristiano Bellumat, Head of Channel Sales Strategy and founder of Unicomm, designer of the only course that helps and accompanies companies in the transition towards an MSP business model. “Creating value is a pillar of the sales model for companies in the Managed Services sector. In fact, it is not about selling a product, it is about interviewing the client to understand with him what problems they have to solve in order to improve their performance. This sales model, dedicated to the IT market is ValueSelling ™ “.

During the Summit the participants were able to better understand this sales technique thanks to the contribution from Jim Roche, ValueSelling ™ specialist with 30 years of experience. ValueSelling ™ is, in fact, the method used by some of the largest IT companies in the world like Microsoft, Oracle, Google, and many others. “Our Unicomm course is the only one that offers training in ValueSelling ™ – specified Cristiano Bellumat.


During the event, several training sessions were held, including the one dedicated to Kanban, how to manage workflows created at the beginning of the twentieth century for the manufacturing industry. The application of the Kanban, which is based on the visualization of the tasks, has allowed Toyota to quadruple the results becoming an industrial giant: today this technique has spread widely into the IT world.

“ValueSelling ™ leads to the discovery of the value from the customer’s point of view – said Bellumat – but thanks to Kanban this value can be delivered on time and with the WOW effect of the receiver”.

“Kanban has allowed us to eliminate the bottlenecks and to reduce the response times of our technical support to a minimum” explained Dimitri Osler, CTO of Wildix, before illustrating the new products for 2019, based on the first pillar technology of Wildix, which is the WebRTC.

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