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Wildix CEO Steve Osler Announces Healthcare Protections for Wildix US Employees

From Steve Osler, CEO of Wildix:

Significant progress has been made across the world with regard to women’s rights, from granting the right to vote to enforcing equal pay and opportunities. Millions have fought hard for these rights in many countries. Unfortunately, some seem determined to go backward.

In choosing to revoke Roe vs. Wade on Friday, the US Supreme Court delivered a major blow. Women’s health should not be a bargaining chip, and I believe that women must be trusted to make medical decisions for themselves. These decisions often result from deep soul-searching and grief as the reality of the situation becomes clear. More than a dozen states have now decided that women cannot make these decisions, and many states have significantly restricted their rights.

With this in mind, I’d like to announce the following: Should any US Wildix employee require abortion services and their state restricts that service, Wildix will pay for them to travel to a state where such a service is legal and safe.

I believe that above all, people have the right to make their own medical decisions and have access to safe healthcare. While we are not the largest UCaaS company in the world, we can blaze a trail that others will follow.

Steve Osler
Steve Osler
Founder and CEO of Wildix
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