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Wildix Health Policy

As you’re no doubt already aware, health is becoming an increasing concern all over the world due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

Because we at Wildix share these concerns, we wanted to bring to your attention two new health policies. We hope these rules will keep our and our Partners’ business going strong while helping everyone to stay healthy.

1. No Handshaking
Obviously, unnecessary physical contact leads to an equally unnecessary spread of germs, so we’ll be operating under a strict “no handshake” policy. For now at least, let’s just say hello with a wave, nod, or maybe a bow.

2. Reduced In-Person Meetings / Increased Use of Videoconferencing
As much as we love meeting our Partners face-to-face, we’d hate for a meeting to make you sick! Luckily, our enterprise-grade videoconferencing systems mean we can still enjoy all the presence of an in-person meeting without the risk of spreading germs. Hop onto a Collaboration conference or set up your WizyConf unit to meet with us with total safety, added convenience, and the same personal connection we value in meetings.

We encourage all our Partners to follow similar guidelines in their business as well, of course. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

Please stay healthy, keep productive, and always remember to cough into your elbows!

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