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Wildix plans for growth are taking shape

Wildix in Sweden

Wildix CEO, Steve Osler, has been interviewed by one of the most respected and recognised Industry Magazines in Sweden, Telecom idag! In the interview, Mr Osler shared his thoughts about the importance of acquiring a Technology that can demonstrate high revenue potential, Wildix Channel strategy and big plans for the Swedish market.

“Thanks to our partners we are much more efficient.

We were the first to focus on this added value, we are convinced that our channel is part of our value.

We are so convinced of this, that we have brought it to the US, all over Europe and now also in the Asia-Pacific Region.

“Starting from autumn 2019, Widlix is expanding to the Nordic market. Our market research indicated that also in the Nordics, there is a need for a new and disruptive solution.”

“Wildix offers for its partners’ technologically advanced products, which will help them to win on their local market.”

Steve Osler

On November 21st 2019
Wildix will be taking part at CONNECT19
at the Quality Hotel Globe, Stockholm!

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