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Wildix’s x-caracal, the first contact center analytics tool, at a closer glance of UC Today

At the beginning of Q2 2021 Wildix released their newest product x-caracal, the first contact center analytics tool, that enables users to evaluate the effectiveness of customer communications in generating leads and sales profits.

In just several months x-caracal has received an outstanding amount of attention from the Partner Channel as more and more Customers are looking into adding x-caracal to their Wildix communication platform.

Ian Rowan, Senior Channel Manager at Wildix UK was asked by UC Today to speak about the latest Wildix addition to an already impressive portfolio of products and services and comment on the increased demand of the product and the added value it brings to users.

Learn more here: Wildix Looks to Ensure Employee Optimisation with x-caracal – UC Today.

Or, alternatively, download the PDF version of the article here.

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