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Zombie warning – Technology Reseller

Wildix didn’t pull any punches at its first UCC Summit, warning resellers that it was time to evolve or die

On February 18-19, Wildix hosted resellers from across Europe at its first UCC Summit 2019, held at the World Trade Center, Barcelona. Delegates from 400 companies learnt about recent developments at the fast growing provider of browser-based unified communications and learnt why evolving into a Managed Service Provider is the only option for telecoms partners.

Half warning, half call to arms, this message was driven home by an army of ‘walking dead’ straight out of central casting. Representing traditional PBX vendors that have failed to adapt to the disintermediation of the market by the internet, but also representative of resellers stuck in an on-premise, CAPEX world, they marauded the corridors and exhibition spaces, scaring delegates physically and metaphorically.


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